The optimization software IMPROVEit is based on the latest publications and reasearches in the optimization field.
Like a multi-objective software, it can handle single objective as well as real multi-objective optimization problems.
Moreover, the solver has some features that make it not only absolutely unique in the design exploration’s area, but also the only software for optimization that can make optimization easy.

The first one is “Push button technology”: the engineers do not have to know anything about optimization. The solver automatically chooses the optimization strategy between several different searching strategies based on the actual solution and on the available budget.

The second one: “Budget based solver”.
The user will tell the software how many number of simulations he will be able to do, based on his time.
This is a fundamental parameter for our solver and it’s the only input that the user has to give to the software, and it is well known and concrete. The engine can choose how exploit at the most the time that the user has set.
The goal is reach the best solution possible within the budget that the user has set.

The third: IMPROVEit can be efficiently used as a DOE generator.
User can ask the software to give out what are the best points to be queried in an experiment in order to have the maximum knowledge about the phenomena in the domain. The DOE generator can work starting from both an empty initial set of points or an existing set of points.